Friday, April 23, 2010

*koff koff* *sticks head out of ash cloud for a moment*

To say: Happy Anniversary EE! Four glorious years! Never has time flown so fast or so entertainingly.

I won't even attempt to be funny, because as we all know, you are the only real funny one around here.

Here's to four more years! And more!

*Dear Readers, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, go eat a tube of wasabi as penance, and then go here for the party. And here for the real thing.


fairyhedgehog said...

So glad I don't have to eat wasabi.

Are you still stuck in McLand then?

Phoenix Sullivan said...

Mmm. Wasabi. And volcanic ash. And EE. Now today just HAS to be perfect.

Sarah Laurenson said...

Yeah. What the Fairy said.