Monday, April 27, 2009

Did I mention I was going away?

I did. I'm back. I've returned to tales of deadly plague. Apparently as of today Australian flights are sending any passengers from the US with flu symptoms to some kind of limbo. We flew in yesterday: me with laryngitis, Princess with travel vomiting and Soccer Boy with a massive sneezing fit moments before we landed. I think we narrowly escaped limbo.

Just shattered after a week of Disneyland frenzy. I'm not completely sure that we actually slept. Until the flight back, when all four of us fell completely unconscious within five minutes of sitting down. The flight was rough, I kept waking up from roller coaster dreams to find that the plane was acting like one. I was tired enough just to poke the sick bag at Princess and roll back over to sleep again. "Roll back over" meaning, move my head one inch to the left or right.

Kids tired and grumpy, dog excited and grumpy, Mr Koala working today - and grumpy. Planning on doing some domestic admin and then collapsing with a book for a few hours. Back to reality tomorrow - get back to grips with WiW and seriously consider looking for some new copywriting clients. Grr, recession.

In the meantime, where do I go to find the most detailed, gossip-filled report of The Great Meeting in London?


Robin B. said...

Janey, Gina and Pete have theirs stories up, and mine will be up tomorrow. I'm doing a day-by-day post re London, and today I'm getting ready to do the day before the meeting.

Glad you made it back to Oz without quarantine! I came back in to the US Saturday evening, and they were questioning everyone right and left, and more than usual, about having been on any farms or having any fresh fruit/veg with them from somewhere else. Maybe that was the reverse of what you went through?

Robin B. said...

Oh, and Sylvia also has a post, and pics.

Damn - I feel lame- I'm running behind.

JaneyV said...

I'm tired just reading about it. I'm afraid my post isn't very gossipy. I was far too drunk to remember anything good. I'm good that way.

Get some rest. Take care of your larynx. It's going to take a week before you catch up with yourself.

McKoala said...

Thanks, Robin! I'll check it out later.

Funnily enough, we'd only vaguely heard about the swine flu thing while in the US, possibly because DH was filling his veins with an ESPN overdose. Hadn't heard a word about the flu before we left Oz, now it's the top story here. We came in as normal yesterday, no special checks, masks or anything. Looks like it will all be different today.

LOL Janey. As long as everybody else remembers everything you said...

fairyhedgehog said...

That's a heck of a journey. I hope it was worth it.

This swine flu has everyone worried but all we can do is take vitamin C and echinacea and hope that it isn't as bad as it looks - which is often the case.

Whirlochre said...

A koala in Disneyland?

Oh, I bet that made for some fun in the queue for Pluto's Whiplash Nightmare...

Kid: Mommy, Mommy, which film has the weird monkey in it?
Mom: Hush, dear. It's real. It might bite.

Hope you recover soon. I've missed the sense of all-pervading terror...

ssas said...

There's no where on earth more exhausting than Disney. The frazzled parents shouting at whining children, the larger than life characters making babies scream by their mere presence...

like my son says: Ah, good times. Good times.

Glad you made it back okay.