Sunday, February 20, 2011

An interesting anthology

Blog mate, Phoenix, is in the process of putting together an anthology to be published initially as an ebook. Contents is almost final - see her post here to see the inclusions.

The Koala is impressed. Partly because her own name is on it, heh heh. And that of another blogging buddy whose writing she has always enjoyed, yes, that would be you Mr Dudley. But going a step further than that - there are a couple of names on this list which the Koala recognises simply because she has read, and enjoyed, their writing. Phoenix's sphere of influence is vast and growing. The Koala is going to follow the fortunes of this little ebook with great interest.


Robin B. said...

Yes, indeed - and I want a copy of this. You guys tell me when it's available, please!

fairyhedgehog said...

Congrats on getting in it - and to Peter as well!

Phoenix Sullivan said...

While I believe the overall quality of the anthology as a collection is quite high for an effort like this, I think there are a handful of stories that are truly amazing. Authors who we'll be reading in the future and reminiscing, "I remember them when..."

Whirlochre said...

Looking like a top notch roll-call so far...

McKoala said...

I'll put a link up when it's officially On The Market.

Aniket Thakkar said...

Awezzzome zzzis izzz!!! Congrazz!
Zzory for the zz'z.... zust woke up....