And a Smackdown! Written - what happened? Did the Goggy Lovin' keep you away from the keyboard.
Stacy in a weird and uncharacteristic episode of kindness I gave you one point for 'barely 4000' - at least you had the honesty to come and report it. Don't you all go expecting such generosity from me every month now.
See how pretty I am with wingies:

Wings added by Phoenix with apologies to JJ de Benedictis, creator of Koala artwork (I know, Goblin, it's like taking a texta to a Van Gogh, but look, wingies!)
Enough treats, now back to work, you lot!
I love the original artwork but OMG I love your cute little wingies too!
(Fairies are wonderful. Always. No exceptions.)
Love from Fairy Hedgehog.
Oh, you're so pretty! Such sparkly wings! Such...
...wait. Airborne Koala claws? Um.
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