It looks like a load of meaningless code to me, but hopefully it will magically transform into a photo when I publish this post. It's Polly the Puppy, by the way.
Robin asked how things were up the eucalypt... Frenzied is the answer. I worked five days last week. I don't think I have done that since Cricket Boy was born. This is always a busy time for me, with lots of clients wanting things ready to print for Christmas or early next year, but this year has been bananas. I could work three or four days this week too, but I don't think it's fair on Princess or Polly so I'm trying to squeeze everything into the few hours I have.
Also, my mother-in-law's aunt died - the last of her generation, so we've had to comfort Grandma. Plus the kids getting into Christmas performance mode, Cricket Boy's birthday coming up this weekend and one of my friends has just split with her partner - initially amicably, but now he's just tossed her out, so needing to offer support there, too, and practical help. So...yup...frenzied.
First of all, what a cute puppy! So adorable. Your kids must adore him.
And boy do I understand frenzied this time of year! End of semester and I'm trying to grade a hundred papers and final presentations and get grades in. Sigh. Yep Frenzied. I hear you girl.
Polly the Puppy is precious!
Sorry for the frenzy, mckoala, it's hard when it seems to happen all at once (and it always does that, doesn't it??!!)
Keep your chin up. :)
Alas, ello, she's a bit of a chewy puppy and a hand is as good as a toy. This has taken some of the shine off, although my daughter has now got used to it. Cricket Boy, who is the nervy type, is old enough to come to puppy training classes with me so I hope he will learn how to behave sensibly around her - and maybe she'll learn to listen to him!
Back to the frenzy, thanks all...
What a cute face!! Oh so sweet!!!
(And I forgive you for your evil plans)
Only a true Church Lady could be so forgiving... (shame EE didn't do it though...)
Speaking of evil plans, McK, nancy wrote a writing exercise about CL and me paying a detective to stalk EE. It's a hoot. Apparently we all, as a group (and this includes you, too, girlfriend), are becoming a tad infamous.
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