Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another heartbreaker...

I'm having fun with my Christmas tunes here. I think I'll keep it up until Christmas.

Between Christmas and New Year look out for the Koala Challenge Awards - many of you diligent writers out there will be honoured by the koala. Of course, it helps if you actually took part in the challenge.

In the meantime, I offer you the magnificently doleful Jona Lewie, who, in cheesy announcer style, just can't stop that cavalry..


Sylvia said...

I've heard this song but never really listened to the words.

I made the mistake of clicking through to YouTube for more informatin. God, the comments...

Um, the Koala is giving us this week off, right? Right?

(I've got an excuse, I'm studying for GCSEs!)

Robin B. said...

Apparently British and American Christmas songs are as different as night 'n day. My favorite Christmas song (which isn't one) is Adam Sandler's Hannukah thing:

It's a freaking scream. That one and Ave Maria and Oh Christmas Tree (which always reminds me, oddly, of the Beatles singing Norwegian Wood,

are my favorites.

Hey, and I hope you're not counting Christmas week off on the
Koala Challenge - I'm with family that week, and drinking a lot with my sister-in-law Jan and company.
However, if any groveling points are available, I'm now through 9 chapters' worth of revisions, and working through another one today, as we have a snow day off, due to the recebtly-passed blizaard here in un-sunny DC metro.

writtenwyrdd said...

I want to sign on for Koala Smackdowns in 2010, if you are doing it again. I feel the need for a bit of masochism.

Have a merry Xmas, too.

Whirlochre said...

Sniff sniff...