Friday, May 22, 2009

Need a little inspiration for dinner?

There are recipes popping up all over the place at the moment. Paca is our most faithful chef, and his latest suggestion looks awsome. Plus, at the moment Ello is talking Asian food and Laughing Wolf posted a Yorkshire Pudding recipe on Susan Wingate's 'Bobby's Diner' thread over at the Book Roast.

Keep cooking!


JaneyV said...

Personally I prefer to avoid cooking where at all possible. (Not that I can very often). If I suddenly became rich over night I would actually consider hiring a chef. That said, I adore food and I will continue to collect recipes for said imaginary cook because you never know...

RIght - Last week I wrote just over 2000 new words covering the WIP and the beginning of a new story. I had to write a non-fiction piece this week which came in at 3,563 words. Yesterday I wrote 537 new words on my second WIP. I'm never going to be able to do the write every day thing so I'm going to give you a weekly round-up figure just to prove I'm not totally slacking.

pacatrue said...

I've been linked!

Whirlochre said...

The first of my radishes have presented themselves for plucking and my whole world has been turned upsidedownysalady.