A side effect of this wondrous new gadget is that my profile pic is popping up everywhere as a grey-headed Mr Nobody. Could this be any less appropriate?
And so...I reveal...the true face of McKoala. Am I as cute as you thought I was? No, I'm cuter, right?!
Koala family health update: I'm almost back in full action, but won't be allowed to lift anything heavy for three months, therefore Mr Koala is now delegated to supermarket shopping and laundry baskets, yippee! Grandma Koala still in hospital, but now I have been released from house arrest I will go and visit her this weekend. Recent phone calls and demands indicate increasing return of vigour in Grandma although release date remains changeable.
I'm not sure about "cuter" but you certainly look more cuddly than I'd imagined!!
What a cutey!
Glad to hear you're doing better.
Have I seen you around my place lately? But you said you don't always comment.
I thought your nose would be bigger. Otherwise, exactly as I imagined.
I imagined more freckles but you definitely have cute sown up!
So are we going to be allowed to follow you too?
Glad you're feeling better and well done on getting out of housework for three months. I found vacuuming very strenuous after my surgery so definitely put that on the list of "jobs to avoid".
Good health to Grouchy Grandma too.
Follow away, my friends, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road.
You need to put the Follow Me widget thingy in your sidebar (I think)
Cuddly? Only the ones with anti-grav boots.
Hey there, cuddly one.
This following idea - I've been wondering about doing this. What happens - are you emailed when a new post goes up? What about comments?
That might be good for me to do, too. I'm so weird about this stuff. I don't go to my blog to click on your all's links - I go to a folder in my favorites - I have you guys in a folder and run through the list there. Would it help more to have a 'following' thing, or is my favorites folder just as effective?
Glad you're about out of house arrest! That's no fun at all. Cabin fever strikes quickly.
Wait... you mean you DON'T look like that gray-faced nobody? Man, all this time I had the wrong idea. I like the tam.
Very very cute! Without question. We can negotiate about your font (it's tied to your email address for the record ;))
Widget? Widget? Now it's getting technical.
Robin, my blog favourites folder is so clogged I can't find half of you. Also it doesn't let me know if people have posted any time in the past millenium. I do it via my dashboard; I get a nice little list of blogs recently updated. Not comments, though, although I've recently clicked that if I tick that little follow-up box, then I get them via email. I'm quick, me.
PJD, so glad somebody noticed the tam. That took me a while to craft for my head. It's the ears, y'know.
Yay! You're free!
And so cute. Much better than an anonymous silhouette.
Glad you're feeling better. I don't remember seeing the Mr. Nobody thing, but this pic is pretty much how I imagined it. Except you were facing the other way.
Adorable avatar!!!!
If you want us to follow you (and we will) you need to set up the Followers thingy (I'm very technical so be careful!)
If you go into Customise then click on your LAYOUT bit, you get that peachy/beige template page up. On the top right corner is Add A Gadget. Click on that. A window should pop up of all the cool things that you can have on your side bar. I think the second one down is the Followers gadget. If you click on it and follow the instructions magic things will happen..... like lots of people will be able put teeny tiny piccies of themselves on your sidebar. And you can move into into the right position on your sidebar on your layout page - just grab the widget (?) on the corner and move it into position.
There you go - a very non-technical description of how to add things to your blog. Of course if you didn't want to know then completely disregard everything I just said.
Done! Thank you Janey!
not quite as hairy as i thought, but that's life ;) lol
what clan is the wee kilt from?
hope you both recover, soonest :D
That is very, very cute indeed. When did koalas invade Scotland, though?
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