I invite you to view the bloody remains of:
Not only must these two now display the butt-kicked badge prominently on their blog, they must feature underneath it the following message:
Dear All
Alas, I have not met the Koala's kind, generous and loving challenge of writing a mere 100 words six days a week. You may not see me for some time, because the depth of the clawmarks in my butt make it impossible for me to sit in a computer chair.
I understand that the only way to be free of the humiliating stain of displaying my 'The Koala Kicked My Butt' badge, and to placate the enraged Koala, is to write a minimum of 2000 words in a single week and also to direct the Koala to some highly witty web site or YouTube video where she may laugh off her disappointment in me. That modest target has been set by the Koala while in a relatively good mood. Further infringements will incur further challenges of increasing complexity.
I also understand that a Goblin, disguised as JJdeBenedictis, will shortly appear and pull out all my toenails.
Yours sincerely
PS Other, more successful, participants in the Koala's challenge may also feel free to mock me
*clacks pliers in anticipation*
And scary
I think I'll spend my "mocking" time "making" time with my keyboard lest I sink any further into my own humiliation and suffer the same fate.
Be afraid my friends, be very afraid.
For there by the grace of the benificent Koala goes thee.
OOOOWWWW! OK I asked for that.
Has anybody seen my limbs?
The first part of the punishment is up. I must go do the day job and I WILL start on the writing later on.
The mighty Koala is most merciful Janey. Fear thy wrath. :D
You seriously are awesome McK and a wee bit scary too. :P
Have performed origami on all my dangly bits, beaten my dustbin into a suit of armour — and conceded with a whimper.
Can't say when I'll manage this 2000, but I'll crack it at some stage.
Ow ow ow ow jeez.
I did 7 pages today and I think I'll go do some more RIGHT NOW.
Was nice knowing you two.....
Oh mama.
I was laughing my ass off, then I noticed you have me under moderate threat?
Oh my!!!
You may frighten me (inspire me) back to my stories...
Watch out Chris, no words this week means another drop. No More Mercy.
Good girls, JC and Sylvia, good girls.
Ha! Er, uh, I mean, I'll get with the program, your furriness!!!
I'll start tomorrow. Honest I will...
OK, McK. I've started my listy, girl. On the right hand side of my blog.
I promise!
I worked on edits for a chapter opening in my second novel, then sent it to EE, where it was promptly unliked over and over again today.
It was kind of deflating, to be honest.
Bah Robin, you are picking out the negatives, most people liked it including me!
Checking in!
I wrote lots of words yesterday sitting in the garden with my notebook. I don't have a word count but I was out there long enough to get a horrific sunburn on my shoulders. I'll not do that again :P
I wrote 500 words today and re-outlined the initial three chapters.
I'll do at least 250 tomorrow (my minimum unit :P) and then Sunday off.
There's something odd in my garden and I want to make absolutely bloody sure that there aren't any killer Koala's in the area when I go out to investigate !
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